Bob McGoogle

Yay diddly yay!

Yay! We were approved!! I mean our credit was for the apartment! If you don't know what I'm talking about look at my last entry. So this month we are swimming in a pile of shit. Mark's companies taxes are due by the 15th. We have the money he liquidated his 401k from his old company then we are illegally taking out 1140 out of this check without taxes taken out. But as long as his company is turned into a S-Corp, we won't have to replace that money. So keep your fingers crossed. His accountants re-sent that forms under this law that states that you can re-try to be a S-Corp if you didn't fully understand what you were appling for, this falls under Marks stuff. He obviously didn't do something right to have it come out as a C-Corp in the first place, so we should be ok. We'll find out soon. Credit cards are wayyy maxed out. But that will all be taken care of. Mark will be getting a lot of money soon and we'll be paying those babies off. Yay!!! I can't wait!!! I talked to Ron today my old boss, he said he has to talk to Littleton to see if they are busy so he can send Vicki over there so I can have my old job back for the next 3 months. Even if they can't, they're super great for trying. I'm wayy poor and way bored. Plus my workout is down pat now to about half an hour, so I can totally workout when I get off work. Oh yeah I ordered Weight Watchers today to help me lose weight. My Aunt Linda suggested it since she was on the same crap Elavil, and gained a bunch of weight too. She said its helped a lot more then even working out could do. So hopefully that will help. Well thats about all the news for now wish me luck with getting my old job back..I'm really poor!:-) And please wish me luck to lose 10 lbs by June when I go back home to visit which I am soo ecited for! yayaya ok I'm out! Bye bye!


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